Sunday, 3 November 2013

First Successful Wedding!

I've never really had a successful wedding on TS3 where everything went to plan, but today with my current household I did! Have some pictures! :)

Saturday, 19 October 2013


So for the select few of you that watch my videos on Youtube as well as follow my blog, I thought you all deserved a quick update!
I won't be able to upload videos as often as I started doing on my channel as I was at my boyfriend's house for around 4 days when I made the channel, and he has a much better internet connection than me because of where we live so I could upload them pretty much non-stop.
My editor takes a very long time to upload the videos in the first place, regardless of the connection speed, so I don't upload them at home as it would take up all of my free time. So, I've decided that I'm going to upload them every Friday/Saturday when I stay at my boyfriend's house each weekend.That way I can make one or two videos at home each working week, and then upload them in bulk on the weekends! So far this layout has worked so I'm going to keep it going for now unless I find something that works even better. Sorry for the unreliability of it all just now, and thanks for sticking with me!
Have a great day! :) xo

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Rejected Proposal?!

I had Derek Foster propose to Lucy Foster and for the first time in my entire TS3 experience she declined!! I have no idea why this is, it may have been because she was tired but I'm thinking because she's a Coward? They tend to 'run away from scary situations'. Hmmmm..
It actually really upset me, I'll keep trying though!
 She seemed so happy..
But this was the uh-oh bit.. :(
My LP family went to the park earlier and Abigail looked so happy to be in fancy dress and on the playground! Aw!:D


So James' daycare bunch arrives along with a levitating baby. Couldn't stop laughing.

Abigail and Baby Ava's new room! (LP)

We had some extra simoleans leftover from James' promotion so decided to redecorate Abigail's room ready for a sister and the angst of her teenage years!
 Bottom bunk is Abigail's, matching her bubbly, friendly and girly personality! The top one will be for Ava when she ages up, it's a bit edgier like her personality as she already has the Grumpy trait, and Good. If all goes to plan I'll be giving her the Rebellious, Evil and Mean Spirited traits.
I added in the osmosis desk that came with generations and one of the green plastic chairs, and my favourite decor item which came with Generations, the unicorn!
 Finally just an overall view of the bedroom as a whole

Generations Let's Play pregnancy photo shoot!

Hey guys! So my let's play family- the Taylor's- are pregnant! I got a new pose set recently and decided to try it out; I really liked how it turned out!:) I got another similar set also but when I went ahead into live mode to use that one, Clara got rushed to the hospital! Welcome baby Ava! I would upload baby pictures but I'm not going to bother yet as right now she's the same as all the other pink bundles of joy in this game ha. However, I revamped Abigail's (and now Ava's!!) room to make it more teenage appropriate for when Abigail ages up so there will be pictures of that soon!